
Linux / macOS

Developing with opam

Gillian uses opam for dependency management. We advise using a local opam switch, so your global environment remains untouched. It should be perfectly safe (and recommended) to install the development environment directly on your machine.

  1. Install prerequisites

    On Debian or Ubuntu, run:

    sudo apt install git curl npm build-essential pkg-config \
        m4 python3-distutils python3-apt z3

    On macOS, make sure you have the XCode command line tools installed:

    xcode-select --install

    ...then make sure your development tools are up to date.

  2. Install opam

    sudo apt install opam
  3. Clone the source repository


    If you are evaluating Gillian as an artifact, please use the source code provided to you as part of the artifact submission.

    git clone
  4. Prepare dependencies and build Gillian

    cd Gillian
    make init-dev
    eval $(opam env)
    dune build


Gillian is not supported on (native) Windows, but works fine through WSL (more specifically, default Ubuntu on WSL2).


You can build a docker image from the source code:

git clone
cd Gillian
docker build -t gillian .

Once built, run Gillian with

docker build --target test -t gillian

This will start the container and give you access through a zsh shell.

Inside the container, you'll find:

  • The Gillian repository in /app/Gillian

  • Our fork of Test262 in /app/test262

  • Our fork of Collections-C in /app/collections-c

Testing your setup

After installing and building (or entering the docker container), try running the following tests.


dune exec -- gillian-js verify Gillian-JS/Examples/JaVerT/BST.js

Expected output

Parsing and compiling...
Obtaining specs to verify...
Obtaining lemmas to verify...
Obtained 5 symbolic tests in total
Running symbolic tests: 0.381137
Verifying one spec of procedure insert... s s s s Success
Verifying one spec of procedure remove... s s s s s s s s s Success
Verifying one spec of procedure findMin... s s Success
Verifying one spec of procedure find... s s s s Success
Verifying one spec of procedure makeNode... s Success
All specs succeeded: 2.935246


dune exec -- gillian-c bulk-exec Gillian-C/examples/concrete

Expected output

Registering tests...
Testing Running 1 test suites.
This run has ID `DACA1B06-6CB2-474C-AC1B-3C24CC108C2C`.
[OK]                _          0   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_bst_c.
[OK]                _          1   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_kvmap_c.
[OK]                _          2   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_priQ_c.
[OK]                _          3   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_sort_c.
[OK]                _          4   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_sll_c.
[OK]                _          5   Gillian-C_examples_concrete_dll_c.
The full test results are available in `/Users/...`.
Test Successful in 1.000s. 6 tests run.