Symbolic Testing

Symbolic Testing of Collections-C


Symbolically testing Collections-C let to the following bug-fixing pull requests. They fix previously unknown bugs and usage of undefined behaviours:

Reproducing the Results

For license reason, we do not include the Collections-C code in the Gillian repository. There is an external repository that contains the Collections-C code adapted to testing in Gillian-C and Klee.

In order to clone it, simply run, from the Gillian folder:

cd ..
git clone collection-
cd Gillian

There are two ways of launching the tests:

  • Using the bulk-wpst command of Gillian-C which has a nicer output (using Rely), but cannot run the tests in parallel.

  • Using a bash script that will call gillian-c wpst as many times as there are files to test, but supports parallel mode (this is the one we used for measures). (NOTE: since then, we removed the option for parallel mode, and plan of having a better implementation in the future)

Using bulk-wpst

From the Gillian folder run:

dune exec -- gillian-c bulk-wpst ../collections-c/for-gillian

You will see every test suites executing one by one. Two tests will fail, this is intended. They represent two of the bugs we've found and are explained here.

Using the bash script

From the Gillian folder, for each folder you want to test, use:

Gillian-C/scripts/ ../collections-c/for-gillian/folder

For example, to run the test suite related to singly-linked lists, run:

Gillian-C/scripts/ ../collections-c/for-gillian/slist

The array_test_remove.c buffer overflow bug

This test corresponds to this pull request: Fix buffer overflow. It is particularly interesting: the original test suite did not catch it. We thought that a concrete test with the right values would catch it, but it didn't. The reason is that it overflowed but did not fail. It is therefore a security issue. However, our symbolic memory model cannot overflow, and the bug was caught.

The list_test_zipIterAdd.c flawed test

This test is also interesting but for different reasons. The code it is testing (the list_zip_iter_add function) does not contain any bug. However, the test itself did contain a bug but still passed. Here is why:

The test added two elements ("h" and "i") in two separate lists at the index 2. It then tested that the elements actually appeared at the second index of their respective lists, in the following way:

list_index_of(list1, "h", zero_if_ptr_eq, &index);
CHECK_EQUAL_C_INT(2, index);

list_index_of(list1, "i", zero_if_ptr_eq, &index);
CHECK_EQUAL_C_INT(2, index);

However, note that both tests are executed on list1! What happened then is that list_index_of was not finding "i" in list1 because it wasn't there, and therefore did not modify index. Since the first check was correct, the value of index was still 2 and the test passed anyway.

Our symbolic tests however, use symbolic 1-character strings, and assume the bare minimum about the input values to make them pass, in order to explore as many possible paths as possible.

Here, we replaced every one-character strings "X" with one-character symbolic string str_X. For the test to pass, it should be enough for str_h to be different from every element in list1 and for str_i to be different from every element in list2. And this is exactly what we assumed. However, we never assume that str_i has to be different from every element in list1 because it is not necessary for the test to pass.

However, here, the equality between every element of list1 and str_i is tested. There is no indication as to the result of this test, so the execution branches. Therefore, there is a path created where list_index_of(list1, str_i, zero_if_ptr_eq, &index) will assign 0 to index, and the test will fail.

This shows how symbolic testing helps writing more robust tests.