Module Semantics.Legacy_symbolic

type init_data = unit
val vt_to_yojson : vt -> Yojson.Safe.t
val vt_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> vt Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp_vt : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> vt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_vt : vt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type t = SHeap.t

Type of JSIL general states

val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val sure_is_nonempty : 'a -> bool

Type of JSIL substitutions

type i_fix_t =
  1. | FLoc of vt
  2. | FCell of vt * vt
  3. | FMetadata of vt
  4. | FPure of Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t


val i_fix_t_to_yojson : i_fix_t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val i_fix_t_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> i_fix_t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp_i_fix_t : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> i_fix_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_i_fix_t : i_fix_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type err_t = vt list * i_fix_t list list * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t
val err_t_to_yojson : err_t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val err_t_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> err_t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val _ : Yojson.Safe.t -> err_t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp_err_t : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> err_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_err_t : err_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type action_ret = ((t * vt list * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t list * (string * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Type.t) list) list, err_t list) Stdlib.result
val pp_i_fix : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> i_fix_t -> unit
val get_failing_constraint : err_t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t
val pp_err : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> err_t -> unit
val get_recovery_tactic : t -> err_t -> vt Gillian.General.Recovery_tactic.t
val assertions : ?to_keep:'a -> t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.t
val clean_up : ?keep:Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.Set.t -> t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.Set.t * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.Set.t
val substitution_in_place : pfs:'a -> gamma:'b -> st -> t -> (t * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.Set.t * 'c list) list
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_by_need : Utils.Prelude.SS.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> SHeap.t -> unit
val copy : t -> t
val init : unit -> t
val get_init_data : 'a -> unit
val clear : t -> t
val alloc : t -> Gillian.Symbolic.Pure_context.t -> vt option -> ?is_empty:bool -> vt option -> action_ret
val execute_action : ?matching:'a -> string -> t -> Gillian.Symbolic.Pure_context.t -> Gillian.Symbolic.Type_env.t -> vt list -> action_ret
val ga_to_setter : string -> string
val ga_to_getter : string -> string
val ga_to_deleter : string -> string
val mem_constraints : t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t list
val is_overlapping_asrt : string -> bool
val prop_abduce_none_in_js : string list
val prop_abduce_both_in_js : string list
val complete_fix_js : i_fix_t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.t list
val complete_fix_jsil : i_fix_t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.t list
val get_fixes : err_t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.t list
val can_fix : 'a -> bool
val sorted_locs_with_vals : t -> (Gillian.Utils.Containers.SS.elt * SHeap.s_object) list