GIL pure formulae
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val init : unit -> t
init ()
returns a fresh empty collection of pure formulae
val to_list : t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t list
to_list pfs
serialises the pure formulae pfs
into a list
val of_list : Gil_syntax.Expr.t list -> t
of_list fs
deserialises a list of formulae fs
into pure formulae
val to_set : t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.Set.t
val mem : t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> bool
mem pfs f
return true iff the formula f
is part of the pure formulae pfs
val extend : t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> unit
extend pfs f
extends the pure formulae pfs
with the formula f
val clear : t -> unit
clear pfs
empties the pure formulae pfs
val length : t -> int
length pfs
returns the length of the pure formulae pfs
merge_into_left pfsl pfsr
merges the pure formulae pfsr
with the pure formulae pfsl
val set : t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t list -> unit
set pfs fs
sets the pure formulae pfs
to fs
val iter : (Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
iter f pfs
iterates over the pure formulae pfs
using the function f
val fold_left : ('a -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
fold_left f ac pfs
folds over the pure formulae pfs
using the function f
and initial accumulator ac
val map_inplace : (Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t) -> t -> unit
map_inplace f pfs
is like a map operation, but performing in place
val substitution : Symbolic.Subst.t -> t -> unit
substitution subst pfs
substitutes the substutition subst in the pure formulae pfs
val subst_expr_for_expr : Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> t -> unit
subst_expr_for_expr e_to_subst e_subst pfs
substitutes the expression e_to_subst
with the expression e_subst
in the pure formulae pfs
val lvars : t -> Utils.Containers.SS.t
lvars pfs
returns the set containing all the lvars occurring in pfs
val alocs : t -> Utils.Containers.SS.t
Returns the set containing all the alocs occurring in --pfs--
alocs pfs
returns the set containing all the abstract locations occurring in pfs
val clocs : t -> Utils.Containers.SS.t
clocs pfs
returns the set containing all the concrete locations occurring in pfs
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
pp fmt pfs
prints the pure formulae pfs
val pp_by_need :
(Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
t ->
pp pvars lvars locs fmt pfs
prints the pure formulae pfs
relevnt to pvars
, lvars
and locs
val filter_with_info :
(Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t) ->
t ->
filter_with_info pvars lvars locs pfs
returns only the pfs relevant to pvars
, lvars
, and locs
val sort : t -> unit
sort pfs
sorts the pure formulae pfs
val remove_duplicates : t -> unit
val clean_up : t -> unit
val get_relevant_info :
Utils.Containers.SS.t ->
Utils.Containers.SS.t ->
Utils.Containers.SS.t ->
t ->
Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t * Utils.Containers.SS.t
val filter_map_stop :
(Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> [ `Stop | `Filter | `Replace of Gil_syntax.Expr.t ]) ->
t ->
val filter_stop_cond :
keep:(Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> bool) ->
cond:(Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> bool) ->
t ->
See Gillian.Utils.Ext_list.filter_stop_cond
val filter : (Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> bool) -> t -> unit
val filter_map : (Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t option) -> t -> unit
val exists : (Gil_syntax.Expr.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
val get_nth : int -> t -> Gil_syntax.Expr.t option
Gets the nths formula. There are very few good use cases for this function, and uses should generaly use iterators instead. O(n)