Module Cgil_lib.Gil_logic_gen

module CoreP = Constr.Core
val id_of_string : string -> Compcert.Camlcoq.atom
val true_name : Compcert.Camlcoq.atom -> string
val loc_param_name : string
val ofs_param_name : string
val pred_name_of_struct : string -> string
val rec_pred_name_of_struct : string -> string
val opt_rec_pred_name_of_struct : string -> string
val fresh_lvar : ?fname:string -> unit -> string
val split3_expr_comp : ('a list * 'b list * 'c) list -> 'a list * 'b list * 'c list
type gil_annots = {
  1. preds : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Pred.t list;
  2. specs : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Spec.t list;
  3. onlyspecs : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Spec.t list;
  4. lemmas : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Lemma.t list;
  5. bispecs : Gillian.Gil_syntax.BiSpec.t list;
  6. cenv : Compcert.Ctypes.composite_env;
  7. imports : (string * bool) list;
val empty : gil_annots
val get_structs_not_annot : Compcert.Ctypes.composite_definition list -> Str_set.elt list
val access_mode_by_value : Compcert.Ctypes.coq_type -> Chunk.t option
val assert_of_member : Compcert.Ctypes.composite_env -> Compcert.Ctypes.members -> Compcert.Camlcoq.atom -> Compcert.Ctypes.coq_type -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom list
val assert_of_hole : (Z.t * Z.t) -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom
val gen_pred_of_struct : Compcert.Ctypes.composite Compcert.Maps.PTree.tree -> gil_annots -> string -> gil_annots

Returns assertions that are necessary to define the expression, the created variable for binding when necessary, and the used expression

val trans_asrt : fname:'a -> ann:gil_annots -> CLogic.CAssert.t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom list
val trans_lcmd : fname:'a -> ann:gil_annots -> CLogic.CLCmd.t -> [ `Invariant of Gillian.Gil_syntax.SLCmd.t | `Normal of Gillian.Gil_syntax.LCmd.t list ]
val trans_asrt_annot : CLogic.assert_annot -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom list * (string * string list)
val trans_abs_pred : filepath:string -> CLogic.CAbsPred.t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Pred.t
val trans_pred : ann:gil_annots -> filepath:string -> CLogic.CPred.t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Pred.t
val add_trans_pred : string -> gil_annots -> CLogic.CPred.t -> gil_annots
val add_trans_abs_pred : string -> gil_annots -> CLogic.CAbsPred.t -> gil_annots
val trans_sspec : ann:gil_annots -> 'a -> ->
val trans_lemma : ann:gil_annots -> filepath:string -> CLogic.CLemma.t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Lemma.t
val trans_spec : ann:gil_annots -> ?only_spec:bool -> CLogic.CSpec.t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Spec.t
val add_trans_spec : gil_annots -> CLogic.CSpec.t -> gil_annots
val add_trans_only_spec : gil_annots -> CLogic.CSpec.t -> gil_annots
val add_trans_lemma : string -> gil_annots -> CLogic.CLemma.t -> gil_annots
val trans_annots : 'a Compcert.Ctypes.program -> CLogic.CProg.t -> string -> gil_annots
val get_clight_fun : 'a Compcert.Ctypes.program -> Compcert.BinNums.positive -> 'a
val bit_size : Compcert.Ctypes.intsize -> int
val bounds : Compcert.Ctypes.signedness -> int -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t * Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t
val predicate_from_triple : (Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t * Compcert.AST.typ * Compcert.Ctypes.coq_type) -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom
val simple_predicate_from_triple : (string * 'a * 'b) -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Asrt.atom
val generate_bispec : Compcert.Clight.coq_function Compcert.Ctypes.program -> string -> Compcert.BinNums.positive -> Compcert.Csharpminor.coq_function -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.BiSpec.t
val add_bispec : gil_annots -> Compcert.Clight.coq_function Compcert.Ctypes.program -> string -> Compcert.BinNums.positive -> Compcert.Csharpminor.coq_function -> gil_annots