Module CLogic.CAssert

type points_to_type =
  1. | Normal
  2. | Malloced
  3. | Global
type t =
  1. | Malloced of CExpr.t * CExpr.t
  2. | Array of {
    1. ptr : CExpr.t;
    2. chunk : Chunk.t;
    3. size : CExpr.t;
    4. content : CExpr.t;
    5. malloced : bool;
  3. | Undefs of CExpr.t * CExpr.t
  4. | Zeros of CExpr.t * CExpr.t
  5. | Star of t * t
  6. | Pure of CFormula.t
  7. | PointsTo of {
    1. ptr : CExpr.t;
    2. constr : CConstructor.t;
    3. typ : points_to_type;
  8. | Pred of string * CExpr.t list
  9. | Emp
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit