Module Gil_syntax.Literal

GIL Literals

type t =
  1. | Undefined

    The literal undefined

  2. | Null

    The literal null

  3. | Empty

    The literal empty

  4. | Constant of Gillian.Gil_syntax.Constant.t

    GIL constants (Constant.t)

  5. | Bool of bool

    GIL booleans: true and false

  6. | Int of Z.t

    GIL integers: TODO: understand size

  7. | Num of float

    GIL floats - double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754

  8. | String of string

    GIL strings

  9. | Loc of string

    GIL locations (uninterpreted symbols)

  10. | Type of Gillian.Gil_syntax.Type.t

    GIL types (Type.t)

  11. | LList of t list

    Lists of GIL literals

  12. | Nono

    Negative information

val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val pp : t Fmt.t


val type_of : t -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Type.t

Returns the type of a literal

val evaluate_constant : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Constant.t -> t

Evaluates a constant

val from_list : t list -> t

Builds a GIL list from an OCaml list

val to_list : t -> t list option

Expands a list literal to a list of literals, or None if not a list

val base_elements : t -> t list

Returns a list of all non-list literals in a literal