module Annot : Gillian.Gil_syntax.Annot.S
type annot = Annot.t
type parsing_result = {
labeled_prog : (annot, string) Gillian.Gil_syntax.Prog.t;
The parsed program
*)init_data : Yojson.Safe.t;
Will be `Null if no init_data
is parsed
val parse_eprog_from_file : string -> parsing_result
Takes a path to a file and returns the parsed GIL program with its global environment.
val parse_eprog_from_string : string -> parsing_result
Takes a string containing a GIL program and parses it.
val eprog_to_prog :
?prog_path:string ->
(string * (string -> (annot, string) Gillian.Gil_syntax.Prog.t)) list ->
(annot, string) Gillian.Gil_syntax.Prog.t ->
(annot, int) Gillian.Gil_syntax.Prog.t
Converts a string-labelled Prog.t
to an index-labelled Prog.t
, resolving the imports in the meantime. The parameter other_imports
is an association list that maps extensions to a parser and compiler. For example, it is possible to import a JSIL file in a GIL program using import "file.jsil";
. In order to do so, the other_imports
list should contain the tuple ("jsil", parse_and_compile_jsil_file)
where parse_and_compile_jsil_file
is a function that takes a file path, parses the file as a JSIL program, and compiles this to a GIL program.
val cache_labelled_progs :
(string * (annot, string) Gillian.Gil_syntax.Prog.t) list ->
Caches a mapping from the output GIL filepaths to the corresponding sring-labelled GIL programs. Can be called before eprog_to_prog
in order to allow the import-resolving mechanism to work without having to first write the GIL programs to file.
val parse_literal : Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Literal.t
Parses a Literal.t
from a lexbuf; raises Failure
if parsing fails.
val parse_expression : Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr.t
Parses a Expr.t
from a lexbuf; raises Failure
if parsing fails.