Module Jsil_syntax.Spec

module SSubst = Gillian.Symbolic.Subst
type st = {
  1. pre : Asrt.t;


  2. posts : Asrt.t list;


  3. flag : Flag.t;

    Return flag (jsil_return_flag)

  4. to_verify : bool;

    Should the spec be verified?

  5. label : (string * SS.t) option;

Single JSIL specifications.

type t = {
  1. name : string;

    Procedure/spec name

  2. params : string list;

    Procedure/spec parameters

  3. sspecs : st list;

    List of single specifications

  4. normalised : bool;

    If the spec is already normalised

  5. incomplete : bool;

    If the spec is incomplete

  6. to_verify : bool;

    Should the spec be verified?


Full JSIL specifications.

val s_init : ?label:(string * SS.t) -> Asrt.t -> Asrt.t list -> Flag.t -> bool -> st

Creates a JSIL specification given its components

val init : string -> string list -> st list -> bool -> bool -> bool -> t
val extend : t -> st list -> t
val get_params : t -> string list
val pp_sspec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> st -> unit
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit