module Expr = Gillian.Gil_syntax.Expr
JSIL Labelled Commmands *
type t =
| LBasic of BCmd.t
| LLogic of LCmd.t
| LGoto of string
| LGuardedGoto of Expr.t * string * string
| LCall of string
* Expr.t
* Expr.t list
* string option
* (string * (string * Expr.t) list) option
| LECall of string * Expr.t * Expr.t list * string option
| LApply of string * Expr.t * string option
| LArguments of string
| LPhiAssignment of (string * Expr.t list) list
| LReturnNormal
| LReturnError
val pp_logic_bindings :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
(string * (string * Expr.t) list) ->
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit