Module Jsil_syntax.Cmd

JSIL Commmands *

type t =
  1. | Basic of BCmd.t

    JSIL basic commands

  2. | Logic of LCmd.t

    JSIL Logic commands

  3. | Goto of int

    Unconditional goto

  4. | GuardedGoto of Expr.t * int * int

    Conditional goto

  5. | Call of string * Expr.t * Expr.t list * int option * (string * (string * Expr.t) list) option

    Procedure call

  6. | ECall of string * Expr.t * Expr.t list * int option

    External Procedure call

  7. | Apply of string * Expr.t * int option

    Application-style procedure call

  8. | Arguments of string

    Arguments of the current function

  9. | PhiAssignment of (string * Expr.t list) list

    PHI assignment

  10. | ReturnNormal

    Normal return

  11. | ReturnError

    Error return

val pp_logic_bindings : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string * (string * Expr.t) list) -> unit
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit