type t =
| Overlapping_Syntax
Something went wrong with the parser, some syntax is overlapping.
*)| Unhandled_Statement of Loc.t
The statement at the given offset is not handled. Maybe because it is not part of ES5.
*)| Unhandled_Expression of Loc.t
The expression at the given offset is not handled. Maybe because it is not part of ES5.
*)| NotEcmaScript5 of string * Loc.t
Something used in the script is not part of ES5.
*)| UnusedAnnotations of string list * Loc.t
Some JS_Logic annotations were in the wrong place.
*)| FlowParser of string * string
Some error happened at the flow_parser
| LoaderError of string * int * string * string
Some error happened when trying to process CommonJS constructs such as require
val str : t -> string
exception ParserError of t