Module Cgil_lib.Global_env

type err_t =
  1. | Symbol_not_found of string
type def =
  1. | FunDef of string
  2. | GlobVar of string
val location_of_symbol : string -> string
type t = def String_map.t

maps location to definition

val empty : 'a String_map.t
val add_fundef : def String_map.t -> String_map.key -> string -> def String_map.t
val add_globvar : def String_map.t -> String_map.key -> string -> def String_map.t
val add_def : 'a String_map.t -> String_map.key -> 'a -> 'a String_map.t
val of_definition_list : (string * 'a) list -> 'a String_map.t
val find_def : 'a String_map.t -> String_map.key -> 'a
val find_def_opt : 'a String_map.t -> String_map.key -> 'a option
val find_function_opt : def String_map.t -> String_map.key -> string option
val serialize_def : def -> Gillian.Gil_syntax.Literal.t
module Serialization : sig ... end
val of_yojson : [> `List of Yojson.Safe.t list | `Null ] -> (def String_map.t, string) Stdlib.result
val to_yojson : def String_map.t -> [> `List of Yojson.Safe.t list ]
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> def String_map.t -> unit